fun things happen when you donate
Why donate
For the past 17 years, we at HTL have strived to put a smile on every child’s face through the simple act of giving. We believe we’ve made a difference, but the truth is, none of this would have been possible without you! Your generosity, support, and belief in our mission have been the heart of every toy given, every smile shared, and every child’s spirit lifted.
Let’s continue this journey together, spreading love and hope through the power of giving. Together, we can keep making a difference—one child, one gift, one smile at a time. Thank you for being a part of this mission.
Your Gift will help
With no paid employees, we ensure that every single donation goes directly to helping families in need during the holidays. Your support allows us to reach more children and families, spreading joy, hope, and the warmth of the season. Thank you for making a difference with us!
- Books & Toys
- Clothing
- Coats, Hats & Gloves
- Shoes
- Gift Cards for Teens
- Toiletries
- Daily Essentials
- Food
Thank You for Your Gift
We want to take this moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your gift of kindness. Every donation, no matter the size, creates a ripple of joy and makes a profound difference in a child’s life. Here at HTL, we say, “THANK YOU FOR HELPING US TO MAKE SOMEONE ELSE’S LIFE BETTER!”