HTL goes to
HTL and Angels of Hope: A Mission of Giving
Providing hope
In 2009, HTL received an urgent call—an organization that had been promised a donation of toys and books was left empty-handed when the expected donors never arrived. This moment sparked a partnership, a call to action for two organizations with a shared commitment: to make a difference in the lives of children.
HTL and Angels of Hope united, forming a powerful alliance with a single mission: to bring hope and joy to children, whether here in America or abroad. Together, we recognized that it is not just a responsibility but an honor to be able to provide children with a glimpse of a brighter future. Through every toy donated, every book shared, and every moment of kindness, we aim to offer children the reassurance that they are valued, seen, and loved.
Our partnership serves as a testament to the power of unity and compassion, reminding us all that even the smallest act of kindness can change a child’s life. Through this mission, HTL and Angels of Hope strive to continue giving hope, one child at a time.
our work in
HTL and Angels of Hope Making a Difference in Africa.
They're so thankful
The children of Rwanda, Africa gives a BIG shout out of gratitude to HTL.
Rev. Harrison talks about htl
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